Dane County Face Covering Emergency Order #7

Public Health Madison & Dane County has issued Face Covering Emergency Order #7. The new order is effective February 1, 2022, and remains in place until March 1, 2022. The only change from the previous Order #6 (see Lake Effect’s summary of the previous orders here) is the extension of time. Lake Effect is here […]
Dane County Face Covering Emergency Order

Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) has issued a new Public Health Order, effective August 19, 2021 through September 16, 2021. The new order requires individuals to wear face masks indoors, employers to develop a policy providing and requiring face masks, and organizations to post a sign mandating face masks indoors. To address the […]
Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #16

Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) has issued a new public health order, Emergency Order #16, effective May 5, 2021. The new order includes additional exceptions to the face covering requirements and increases to the capacity limits for indoor gatherings and activities. Face Coverings Face coverings are not required when playing a wind instrument […]
Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #14

Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) has issued a new public health order, Emergency Order #14, effective March 10, 2021. The new order includes significant changes to the indoor and outdoor capacity limits for gatherings, restaurants, taverns, and sporting events. The order also modifies the protective measure policy required for schools. The primary changes […]
Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #13

Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) has issued a new public health order, Emergency Order #13. The new order, effective February 10, 2021, includes significant changes to the face covering requirements, indoor and outdoor capacity limits, and permitted sports activities. The primary changes are summarized below and are outlined in PHMDC’s comparison of Emergency […]
Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #11

Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) has issued a new public health order, Emergency Order #11, effective Wednesday, December 16, 2020. The primary changes are the loosened restrictions on mass gatherings. Revised Definition. A mass gathering is now defined as “a planned event such as a concert, festival, meeting, training, conference, performance, show, sporting […]
Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #10

UPDATE 11/22/20 On November 20, 2020 PHMDC amended the definition of “mass gathering” under Amended Emergency Order #10. A mass gathering is now “any gathering of individuals that are not members of the same household or living unit.” UPDATE 11/17/20 Starting Wednesday, November 18, in Dane County, all indoor mass gatherings are banned and all […]
WI Emergency Order #3 – Statewide Limits on Indoor Public Gatherings

Indoor public gatherings are limited statewide starting on October 8, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. and ending on November 6, 2020 under Emergency Order #3. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary-designee Andrea Palm issued the order on October 6, 2020. Emergency Order #3 restricts “public gatherings” to 25% or less of the established indoor […]
Public Health Madison Dane County Issues Emergency Order #9

UPDATE On September 1, 2020, PHMDC released Emergency Order #9 Amendment. The only change made to Emergency Order #9 was to allow for in-person instruction for students in any grade with a disability and/or with an IEP who may need to receive in-person instruction. This change is reflected in paragraph 4.d. on page 5 of […]
Milwaukee Cares Mask Ordinance Effective July 16, 2020

Building Owners and Operators Responsible for Ensuring Compliance Effective tomorrow, July 16, 2020, the Milwaukee Cares Mask Ordinance will require Milwaukee residents age 3 and older to wear face coverings in indoor public places and outside whenever they are within 6 feet of other people who do not live in their households. The ordinance provides […]