#bekind #staywell #grantgrace

For most of us, Memorial Day weekend has always served as the unofficial kick-off to the summer season, a long weekend spent with family and friends enjoying time together and creating memories. But the reality of life with COVID-19 has put many of these plans on hold and makes leaving the house feel like an act of bravery.

Over the past few months, the Lake Effect team has been sharing with you the latest government updates and guidance. Today, we would like to take a few moments to recognize the true meaning of Memorial Day and honor those who have lost their lives in active military service, a true act of bravery.

Next, we want to help you officially kick off the Summer of 2020 with some old school good vibrations! In March, when the reality of living in a world with COVID-19 became clear, our team came up with three phrases signifying how we wanted to face the uncertain times ahead:

  • Be Kind
  • Stay Well
  • Grant Grace

Be Kind: COVID-19 has impacted everyone in different ways. We will have good days and bad, but any act of kindness we can provide each other, even a stranger, goes a long way toward getting through these days together. This weekend, how can you make someone smile by sharing your kindness?

Stay Well: Not only should we monitor our temperatures, practice social distancing, and wash our hands frequently, but we should be mindful of our mental health as well. It is important that we stay aware of our current mental state, and care for ourselves and each other. There have been times when some of us had to take a personal” timeout,” and other times when we just needed to be there for each other (of course, via phone or Microsoft Teams). This weekend, soak up some sun, have an impromptu picnic with the family at one of our lovely parks, take advantage of the rain that is in the forecast and binge on Netflix all day, or make more bread – whatever fills your tank mentally and physically.

Grant Grace: The challenges we face today are many. For some, social distancing has led to feelings of isolation; for others, it has led to crowded homes with children home from school all day or college kids reluctantly returning home early; it has converted dining room tables or kitchen counters into unintended classrooms and home offices. We have cancelled weddings and graduations, and we have postponed memorials and funerals to say goodbye to loved ones. No matter how hard we try to stay strong, we are not perfect. This is a stressful time for all of us. Our quirks shine brighter than ever when we are stressed. Be gentle with yourself and with others. We’ll get through this together.

So, enjoy your holiday weekend in whatever form it takes. #bekind #staywell #grantgrace

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