Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #11

Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) has issued a new public health order, Emergency Order #11, effective Wednesday, December 16, 2020. The primary changes are the loosened restrictions on mass gatherings.

Revised Definition. A mass gathering is now defined as “a planned event such as a concert, festival, meeting, training, conference, performance, show, sporting event, or party. Individuals that are members of the same household or living unit do not count towards the Mass Gathering numbers in their own household or living unit.”

Indoor Gatherings. Indoor mass gatherings are permitted with up to 10 individuals, not including employees or members of the same household. Individuals must maintain face coverings and 6-foot physical distancing.

Outdoor Gatherings. Outdoor mass gatherings are permitted with up to 25 individuals, not including employees or members of the same household. Individuals must maintain physical distancing.

Restaurants. The restriction that no more than six people can be seated at one table has been removed but all individuals at a table must be members of the same household.

Sports, Group Exercise Classes, Meetings, Trainings, and Other Gatherings. Employers should note that the new, loosened mass gathering restrictions set forth above apply to sports, group exercise classes, meetings, trainings, and other gatherings. There are no new restrictions on these activities. For example, indoor low-risk sports may be played with 10 or fewer individuals and maintaining face coverings and 6-foot physical distancing, and outdoor sports may be played with 25 or fewer individuals and maintaining 6-foot physical distancing.

See also this PHMDC reference comparing Order 11 to the previous Order 10.

PHMDC also removed the provisions of its previous emergency order requiring schools be closed to in-person instruction until certain metrics were met, which are currently under review by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. These provisions had been ruled unenforceable under a temporary Wisconsin Supreme Court order.

The other requirements from previous PHMDC emergency orders remain in place. You can find Lake Effect’s summaries of the previous orders here.

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