Emergency Order #34: Interim Order to Turn the Dial

On April 27, 2020, the Evers Administration released Emergency Order #34 entitled “Interim Order to Turn the Dial.” In this order, the administration expands slightly the permissible business operations set forth in Emergency Order #28, “Safer at Home Order.” This Order takes effect on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.

While Section 14 of “Safer at Home” permitted curb-side pick-up as part of Minimum Basic Operations, this Order adds “curb-side drop-off of goods or animals for the purpose of having those goods or animals serviced, repaired, or cared for by the business.” Staff within the business or facility is still limited to 1 person in a room or confined space and payment must be made by phone or online (i.e., no transfer of cash or check and no signature for receipt). All arrangements must be scheduled in advance, and customers may not enter the business or facility to ensure proper social distancing.

This Order also expands Minimum Basic Operations to include rental of recreational equipment “including but not limited to boats, kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, golf carts, snowmobiles, and ATVs.” The staff count, payment methods, scheduling requirements, and prohibition against customers entering the business or facility mirror those set forth above for curb-side drop-off. All rental equipment must be thoroughly cleaned been uses.

Finally, the Order expands Minimum Basic Operations to include car washes, provided the car wash is entirely automatic or self-service. All high-touch surfaces must be cleaned between use if possible, or as frequently as practicable.

Consistent with its “Badger Bounce Back” plan, the Evers Administration is progressing towards its stated goal of gradually reopening businesses and operations across the state. As always, the attorneys and HR professionals at Lake Effect HR & Law are available to advise you as you develop plans to restore operations and welcome team members back to the workplace. We look forward to helping our partners bounce back. Contact us at info@le-hrlaw.com or 1-844-333-5253.

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