Emergency Order #8: Required Face Mask Poster for Customers and Visitors

Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) released another important update to Emergency Order #8. PHMDC is now requiring that all businesses post PHMDC’s Face Masks Required for Customers and Visitors sign at any entrances of their building(s). This is designed to clarify that the PHMDC mask mandate applies to all customers and visitors, as well as employees, other than those who may have a qualifying disability. This requirement is effective immediately and is included under section 4(i) of Emergency Order #8. This new, required sign appears to replace PHMDC’s prior Face Masks for Customers Required sign which was encouraged, but not required, in Emergency Order #8.

We want to remind employers once again of the other existing and required PHMDC postings and policies:

The Lake Effect team will continue to monitor important updates such as these from Dane County and other counties across the state. Please keep watching for blogs and emails from us for important legal updates and HR best practices. Contact us at info@le-hrlaw.com or 1-844-333-5253.

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