Governor Evers Extends Statewide Mask Mandate and Public Health Emergency

On September 22, 2020 Governor Evers released two orders. Emergency Order #1 amends his earlier order to extend the statewide face mask mandate to November 21, 2020. This emergency order does not change the face mask requirements that were included in the previous mandate. Lake Effect’s summary of the requirements can be found here. Dane County and other local mask mandates also remain in effect. However, the Governor’s Emergency Order #1 supersedes any local order that is less restrictive.
Governor Evers also released Executive Order #90 declaring a public health emergency and designating the Department of Health Services as the lead agency to respond to the emergency. This order effectively extends the public health emergency previously declared in Executive Order #82.

The Lake Effect team will continue to monitor important COVID-related updates such as these from federal, state, and local authorities. Please keep watching for blogs and emails from us for important legal updates and HR best practices. Contact us at or 1-844-333-5253.

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