PHMDC Emergency Order #8: Clarifications

We have some important clarifications of the mask requirements under Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) Emergency Order #8. During the Madison Chamber of Commerce’s Lunch (UP)date: Moving Forward with Forward Dane on July 9, 2020 (click link to see the webinar video), Chamber President Zach Brandon and various members of the PHMDC leadership […]
Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #7

In response to the recent spike in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) released Emergency Order #7 on July 1, 2020. This new order is effective July 2 at 8:00 a.m. Determining that “planned phases are no longer useful,” PHMDC has also revised its Forward Dane plan. Dane […]
Phase 1 Reopening Requirements for 5/26/20

UPDATE, May 27, 2020 Public Health Madison and Dane County announced at a meeting today with the Madison Chamber of Commerce that employers are required to document receipt, acknowledgment, or training on the policies required in Emergency Order #3. The order’s original language requiring receipt, acknowledgment, and training was a mistake. We have updated the […]
Dane County and Madison’s New Public Health Order

Dane County and Madison’s New Public Health Order On May 18, Public Heath Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) issued Emergency Order #2 along with a guide for organizations to start planning a phased reopening under the Order, Forward Dane. We are currently in the Preparing for Safe Reopen Phase under Forward Dane and all individuals and organizations are […]
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Employees Must Notify Their Employers of Positive COVID-19 Result

According to a November 4, 2020 blog post, Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) will no longer notify employers that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19 unless the employee works for a school, or a childcare, healthcare, or congregate living facility. Instead, employees are responsible for notifying their employer if they tested positive, and […]
FFCRA & FLSA Updated Guidance From The Department Of Labor

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently updated its COVID-19 guidance related to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This guidance from DOL addresses questions employers may confront as their communities face new public health orders and in-person school closures and delays. FFCRA Guidance As a reminder, employees […]
Dane County Modifies Phase 2 Reopening

Due to a recent increase in positive COVID-19 cases, Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) released Emergency Order #6 on June 25. The new order was effective at 10:00 p.m. on the same day. The new order modifies three sections of Emergency Order #5: Gatherings inside private property and residences are limited to 10 […]
Phase 2 Reopening Requirements

At 8:00 a.m. on June 15, Dane County began Phase Two of reopening under Forward Dane (revised June 2, 2020). Public Health Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) released Emergency Order #5 to coincide with Phase Two. The order provides requirements for organizations as they continue to gradually reopen. Emergency Order #5 is effective June 15 […]