Spring Cleaning: Is Your Handbook House in Order?

The time has arrived when thoughts turn to warmer weather and spring-cleaning projects. It is a good time for employers to review their employee handbooks to insure they comply with applicable laws and reflect best practices and emerging trends. This spring, a review may be particularly important, as many employers face two key challenges: 1) welcoming current employees back to the post-pandemic workplace; and 2) recruiting and retaining talented employees amidst a persistent labor shortage.

As you assess the experience of current employees in your post-pandemic workplace, consider reviewing handbook policies that address:

  • Telecommuting/hybrid/remote work
  • Unique leave requirements under applicable state laws
  • Time reporting procedures for remote or hybrid non-exempt employees
  • Anti-harassment/respectful workplace requirements
  • Reasonable accommodation policy as it may apply to COVID-19 situations
  • Flexible scheduling options for employees who may continue to experience pandemic-related challenges

If you are struggling to hire and keep qualified and committed employees, examine whether your handbook policies reflect your inclusive and engaging work experience. Consider policies that highlight:

  • Your organization’s distinctive mission, vision, values, voice, and culture
  • Your wide array of benefits and perks
  • Opportunities for professional development and advancement
  • Tuition assistance for lifelong learners
  • Wellness/mindfulness benefits
  • Volunteer or civic engagement opportunities
  • Employee Assistance Programs
  • Summer schedules and/or other unique flexible scheduling arrangements
  • Time off policies that encourage positive work/life balance

Your employee handbook should be a dynamic tool to ensure legal compliance, communicate expectations and benefits, and enhance relationships with all employees. Take some time this spring to give it a fresh look and ensure that it accomplishes these goals. The Lake Effect team is here to help.

Lake Effect is here to answer your questions about handbooks and innovative employment policies. We continue to monitor important legal and HR developments, as well as COVID-related updates from federal, state, and local authorities. Please keep watching our blogs and emails for these important updates, as well as discussions of how compliance meets culture. To dive into these issues, contact us at info@le-hrlaw.com or 1-844-333-5253.

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