Statewide Limits on Indoor Public Gatherings

On October 14, 2020, a Sawyer County district court temporarily blocked Governor Evers administration’s Emergency Order #3, which limits indoor public gatherings statewide. The Court will hear arguments on Monday, October 19, to decide whether to issue a permanent injunction that would permanently block enforcement of Emergency Order #3, unless a higher court overrules that decision.

Earlier this week on October 12, a Polk County district court upheld Governor Evers’ Executive Order #90, extending the state’s public health emergency declaration, and Emergency Order #1, requiring all individuals in Wisconsin over the age of four to wear face coverings when in an enclosed space with people outside their household. That order was extended and is in effect until November 21.

As a reminder, employers must comply with any local public health orders such as those in Dane County that impose stricter requirements than those set forth in the statewide orders.

The Lake Effect team will continue to monitor important COVID-related updates such as these from federal, state, and local authorities. Please keep watching for blogs and emails from us for important legal updates and HR best practices. Contact us at or 1-844-333-5253.

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