Chicago Releases Anti-Harassment Model Language and Poster
By July 1, 2022, Chicago employers must adopt a written policy prohibiting sexual harassment and display the poster detailing the ordinance.
Chicago Expands Anti-Harassment Laws
Beginning July 2022, Chicago will require employers to provide employees with additional training, a new written policy, and a new posted policy on sexual harassment.
Illinois Provides Model for Newly Required Anti-Harassment Training
On April 30, the Illinois Department of Human Rights released a model training presentation that employers can use to comply with Illinois’ new sexual harassment prevention training requirement. An employer may use this model training, or it may develop a training specifically tailored to its organization, provided that the training meets the state’s minimum legal […]
Employers: Include NYC Independent Contractors in Your Anti-Harassment Training
Under the recently expanded New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL), employers must include independent contractors in their sexual harassment training. This is a major shift in how independent contractors are generally treated. Employers should include an appropriate disclaimer before providing anti-harassment training to an independent contractor to clarify that the training does not change […]