Wisconsin Issues Emergency Order #12: Safer at Home

Effective 3/25/2020 at 8am

The Evers Administration signs Emergency Order (EO) #12, Safer at Home. A summary of the EO follows:

  • Directs people to stay safe at home, residence, or place of shelter, leaving only for “Essential Activities” (Section 11), “Essential Governmental Functions” (Section 12), to operate “Essential Businesses and Operations” (Section 13), to perform non-essential “Minimum Basic Operations” (Section 14), conduct “Essential Travel” (Section 15), and “Special Situations” (Section 8, 9, and 10).
  • “Essential Activities” (Section 11) include tending to their health and safety, obtaining necessary supplies for self and family, outdoor activity, performing work at Essential Businesses of Operations, carrying out Minimum Basic Operations (Section 14), and take care of others. At all times, people must comply with social distancing.
  • Defines Special Situations for Healthcare and Public Health Operations (Section 8), Human Service Operations (Section 9), and Essential Infrastructure (Section 10)
  • Defines Essential Businesses and Operations (see detailed definitions in section 13):
    • CISA agencies and businesses
    • Stores that sell groceries and/or medicine
    • Food and beverage production, transport and agriculture
    • Restaurants for carry out or delivery service only
    • Bars for carry out service only
    • Childcare settings are subject to Emergency Order #6, and now must prioritize care for children of employees in two specifically defined categories
    • Organizations that provide charitable and social services
    • Weddings, funeral, and religious entities and such gatherings are limited to fewer than 10 people
    • Funeral establishments and such gatherings are limited to fewer than 10 people
    • Media
    • Gas stations and businesses needed for transportation
    • Financial institutions and services
    • Hardware and supplies stores
    • Critical trades, including Building and Construction Tradespeople “who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences, Essential Activities, Essential Governmental Functions, and Essential Businesses and Operations”
    • Mail, post, shipping, logistics, delivery and pick-up services
    • Laundry services
    • Businesses that sell, manufacture, or supply products needed for people to work from home
    • Businesses that sell, manufacture, or supply other Essential Businesses and Operations and Essential Governmental Functions with the support or supplies to operate
    • Private, public and commercial transportation and logistics providers
    • Home-based care and services
    • Professional services, to the extent possible to work remotely
    • Manufacturing, distribution, and supply chain companies
    • Critical labor union functions
    • Hotels and motels
    • Higher educational institutions to facilitate distance learning
    • WEDC designated businesses
  • Directs all non-essential businesses and operations to close their physical workplaces and work remotely.

See the full Emergency Order here: https://evers.wi.gov/Documents/COVID19/EMO12-SaferAtHome.pdf. Please contact us if you have questions about the status of your organization under this Emergency Order.

If you have employees in other states, please consult this helpful guide which provides updated information on which states have stay at home orders: https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/23/us/coronavirus-which-states-stay-at-home-order-trnd/index.html.

The legal and HR team at Lake Effect is closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on the workplace. Keep watching for blogs and emails from your Lake Effect team for important legal updates and HR best practices. The attorneys and HR professionals at Lake Effect HR & Law are ready and willing to help. Contact us at info@le-hrlaw.com or 1-844-333-5253.

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