Safer at Home Extended – Preparing for Your “New Normal”

In the wake of Governor Evers’ extension of Wisconsin’s Safer at Home Order until May 26th, we are all eager to return to our normal ways, but what will our normal be after the quarantines lapse? What can we learn from this experience? What do we want to carry forward as part of our “new […]

Remote I-9 Validation

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) extended the flexibility in complying with requirements related to Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, due to COVID-19. The temporary guidance was set to expire March 31 and has been extended to May 31, 2021 due to ongoing precautions related to COVID-19. Employers and workplaces operating remotely can continue to inspect the Section 2 documents of the Form I-9 virtually through May 31, 2021.

COVID-19 and the EEOC – Understand the New Landscape

Public health guidelines designed to help communities and employers navigate the changing landscape created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Guidance from the EEOC also addresses some of the issues that employers could face in during this period.

WFH: Is it as Good as You Imagined?

Working from home sounds great, but it takes discipline and practice for the transition to be successful. Included in this article are a few tips from the Lake Effect team on working remotely.

Sustain Your Culture with a Remote Workforce

Now your entire team is working remotely, potentially with a whole family, including pets, in their home offices! You’ve tested out the technology and applied the wage and hour laws, but how do you continue engaging your team and sustaining your workplace culture?

Have an Informed and Measured Response to COVID-19

On behalf of your partners at Lake Effect HR & Law, we hope that your team continues to be safe and healthy amidst the threat of COVID-19. We want to share with you our recommendations for having an informed and measured response to COVID-19 as employers and co-workers.

Dealing with Flu & Illness in the Workplace

This winter, everyone seems to know someone at home or at the office who has been taken down by some variation of the flu or a virus. What can employers do to reduce the spread of illness and manage employee time off, leaves of absence, and requests to work from home? We have some suggestions! […]

Employers: Include NYC Independent Contractors in Your Anti-Harassment Training

Under the recently expanded New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL), employers must include independent contractors in their sexual harassment training. This is a major shift in how independent contractors are generally treated. Employers should include an appropriate disclaimer before providing anti-harassment training to an independent contractor to clarify that the training does not change […]